Sunday 18 August 2019

How Tokoin educates MSMEs with Blockchain Technology

Tokoin – Not only known as the driving force behind the economy of developing countries, micro and small and medium enterprises is also a growing global economy driven by innovation and development. They accounted for 90% of global companies registered and has made production, employment, exports, and bridge the income gap between phenomenal contribution, especially in developing countries. Have unique characteristics and miniaturization, they are very flexible, rather than adapt to the changing business environment businesses better.

The United Nations (UN) has said that there are micro, small and medium no universally accepted definition correctly. Each country has a different definition is based on the different characteristics of other segments. According to the behavior of MSMEs Indonesia in 2008, which was based on the ownership of assets, income classification MSMEs.

Therefore, the company is considered micro-sized if their annual income is less than IDR300M (~C$ 28,000 names), that the annual income between small and IDR300M and IDR2.5B (~C$ 234,000), and is regarded as a moderate, if the annual revenues more than IDR2.5B.

A registered entity that does not include separate MSMEs in developing countries, the contribution rate of 40 percent of gross domestic product, up to 60% of total employment. Many governments are also the growth of micro and small and medium enterprises as the main task, which was established in 2030 to meet the required 600 million jobs worldwide. However, there still exist MSMEs how to sustain and survive in today’s economy 40% of formal micro and small and medium enterprises, unmet financing needs in developing countries, to support business growth and operations problem.

Indonesia is one of a number of largely untapped potential of the countries of Southeast Asia MSMEs. Communication and Information Technology Ministry shows that Indonesia has 59.2 million people who walk MSMEs. The annual increase in the number of MSMEs has proposed the “Doing Business” index, the position of Indonesia from 120 to 72 in 2015 and 2018, according to the World Bank and boost ratings. This is the number of independent Indonesia continues MSMEs continues to grow every year, even if no access to credit and financing, there is no government support. Despite the multiplication sign, in 2015, only 27.4% of Indonesian companies have bank loans or lines of credit, and only 12.8 percent, business investment is a bank loan.

However, many external factors have to live up to their potential obstruction of MSMEs. For example, they are small-scale operations in a competitive business environment, large-scale production economies of scale to provide a competitive advantage that can be easily damaged.

In addition, they face difficulties in obtaining from government agencies to support, which will lead to higher borrowing costs, so some sources at times struggling to learn. On the mortgage and financial adjustment and international standards Worse, problems related to complicate MSMEs loan applications. As a result, the establishment of financial institutions to provide loans to small businesses, often negative thought that it should be a bit more complicated than investment experience.

In my opinion: Tokoin has made partnership with bifrost. With this partnership, Tokoin becomes one of the DApps which would be a part of Bifrost’s ecosystem and leverage on the advantages that their platform provides. Tokion is now developing the super App that will provide more integration and partnership, as well as having the blockchain to be embedded in Tokoin App. Tokoin is always full of surprises.. Its indeed another great news.

History – Tokoin dApp Soft Launching: January 2019

Successful soft-start, continue with the national roadshow in four major cities in Indonesia. The purpose of the national roadshow is specifically set up direct access to each of the cities in various industries, such as tourism in Bali, Medan, and Surabaya in the trade industry, a touch of creative industries in Bandung and Yogyakarta. 2019 is the second national roadshow after the 2018 national roadshow, which Tokoin CEO Rainer Rahardja, describes Tokoin national industry.

About Tokoin

Tokoin is to establish the identity of the micro-enterprises and small and medium business platform ecosystem accepted reputation. Tokoin shows better business ecosystem and modern, providing a valuable partnership to address inclusive growth. As a platform, capturing and processing the precious wealth Tokoin of users, which in our ecosystem, to convert users to MSMEs token of confidence in the credibility of business information. This allows them to as our business partners access to financial services previously inaccessible from suppliers. Therefore, Tokoin commercial and financial aspects of a program of inclusive financial sectors. Tokoin formed partnership will also contribute to national economic growth.


  • Data Not Available
The use of data has become an essential part of modern business. Unfortunately, many MSMEs are still lagging behind when it comes to understanding their own data and how the data can help them decisions. In the case of a number of MSMEs, which is not surprising.
As a local restaurant and a hair salon business largely off-line and/or a lack of data collection systems. Even if the data is available, this is usually isolated from sector stakeholders. Nothing is shared, so there is no clear benefit from the industry. In other cases, the data were collected but did not use, because of the lack of scientific knowledge of the data. Big Data, as it is commonly known, has been the basis of adequate resources to collect, store and process a large number of big companies based data.
  • High Barriers To Capital
Since the financial crisis, banks have grown skeptical about lending to micro and small and medium enterprises. They follow stereotypes widely held impression MSMEs do not have enough cash flow to repay the loan. Overall, financial inclusion is still low and small and medium-sized enterprises 70% of micro still can not get financing opportunities in emerging markets. This is often due encountered because the business is relatively new or small, micro and medium enterprises mostly lack the proper legal documents, promotional materials and/or long-term credit history. rural areas also lack access to formal financial institutions. Even the presence of such visits, the cost of borrowing will exceed their ability to pay.


  • The Introduction Of The Establishment
Tokoin platform established MSMEs reputation profile, the opportunity to help them build the confidence of banks, suppliers and other service providers. This solution is a level playing field so that MSMEs can not get a chance to use the service in advance. MSMEs, which, for example, it is difficult to get a loan right now there is a solution so that they can have confidence in approaching the bank. service providers, in turn, will have the opportunity to enter a different profile to the reputation of a reliable network of MSMEs. They will be able to check this reputation data in a faucet knob MSMEs, to help them make more timely decisions and information. In addition, revenue from data requests directly to MSMEs generated, it is for the two sides a win-win solution.
  • Obtain Funding
Most MSMEs are facing major obstacles in today’s economic viability is funding, but actually to MSMEs, for productivity and better resources to answer the phone business expansion. Obviously, there are some aspects and conditions set by the banks, micro and small and medium enterprises, in many cases, can not meet. One of them is credibility. And the lack of profile business MSMEs has been neglected in the emerging markets. To illustrate this point, a start-up that grew in recent society in one business sector, and most of them founded just ended. Therefore, they typically have less than 5 years of operation and experience. For the duration of a short running time, most start-ups and MSMEs in perfect good faith to meet the requirements to apply for a loan. To achieve credibility required by bank regulations, MSMEs need to complete identity. File validation mentioned above is the validation of the business profile, which requires a standard process in accordance with the minute details of medium-sized enterprises.
  • Scale-up Expansion Opportunities Through Access
Including information about a business transaction, data can be verified in the ecosystem by the blockchain network. Tokoin access to the network blockchain recorded as effective measures to build business credit data. In other words, this reputation will be built based on the purchasing behavior of customers trading activity, and this information will be an important part of customer profiles. With this mentality, Tokoin can change the record data accurately MSMEs can utilize as a means to make up for the shortcomings of their own, to meet the requirements of the loan, such as the credibility of print valuable asset condition. This will allow MSMEs to get the user to achieve the desired growth of the financial services business.

Digital Identity (Bussiness Profile)

In order to effectively address the needs of credibility and identity of MSMEs, use the Tokoin privileges digital sector facilities and. By getting ID digital businesses, MSMEs can track digital recording and accounting business processes, distribution simultaneously, another partner ecosystem Tokoin is currently building value their credit. this is blockchain technology, which is the authoritative data record is not the central point of the dispersed. blockchain use of technology in business processes, aiming to create Tokoin by the data distribution, and at the same time benefit the ecosystem participants powered.

Tokoin Ecosystem

Tokoin ecosystem assigned to convey the experience of one party to another with the order. Each participant, in order to maintain productive ecosystems involved in each company, has a decisive role. Tokoin interaction between customers and partners enabled by technology blockchain to ensure that the relationship between each participant and the security for each transaction, more reliable, making it a valuable partnership between each allotment. Tokoin in business activities. MSMEs as a data provider, transaction activity data submitted by Tokoin DAPP. Tokoin and validation process data into valuable assets. Partners can acquire data by stacking Toko Token.

Three circles composition and Tokoin partners diagram illustrating classification For each participant interaction In the Tokoin Platform:

  • Financial Intermediaries:
● Bank
● Multifinance
  • Supplier:
● Brand
● Company
● logistics partner
  • Service Provider:
● Consulting
● Property Agency
● Ads

Tokoin As Token Utility
  • Tokoin Platform
Tokoin is to manage data distribution and data ecosystem Tokoin contribution in providing incentives autonomous system. Tokoin also a motivational tool to determine the value of the related activities.
  • Buyer
MSMEs data providers to contribute to product buyers Tokoin platform to transmit transaction information. They include data, transaction details, and the details of KYC information on business operations.
  • Financial Intermediaries
As one of the main actors Tokoin Platform, the financial intermediary will be able to capture the real-leading personal digital identity of MSMEs are sorted fully tap the market, they come from financial intermediaries, such as the level and type of services seeking loan amount.
  • Seller
They are recognized as a seller of merchandise and sell their products to distributors MSMEs. Toko token with the payment, the seller made to the ad Tokoin target platform.
  • Service Providers
Business facilities, micro, and medium enterprises, service providers can also be placed Tokoin platform for ads and offers that match their specific criteria for MSMEs.

Tokoin dApp

In the event, our platform ecosystem, resulting in blockchain-based digital systems. Computer applications by dispersing, in the data collected Tokoin, distributed storage platform in the ledger. Each set is stored in a data platform that Tokoin dApp protected, this is a safe, credible, and Bukegaibian of blockchain features.

When users submit their data, which will be distributed to store data, which means that no single point of authoritative data ownership. Thus, each set of data belonging to each vendor. This feature so that MSMEs as a data platform provider profits “Data monetization” form. Tokoin This application also allows MSMEs to establish their own credibility by recording the transaction.


Q4 2018
● Selling Tokoin Tokens through Private Sales and Pre-Sales
● Development & distribution of Tokoin Wallet

Q1 2019● Grand Launching of Tokoin
● Selling Tokoin Tokens through crowd sales

Q2 2019● On-board Blockchain Advisor for Tokoin’s ecosystem
● Launching of POC on TestNet

Q3 2019● On-board Warehousing Partners for Tokoin’s ecosystem
● On-board Financial Partners for Tokoin’s ecosystem
● Expansion of local operations to 10 tier-one cities in Indonesia

Q4 2019● Launching of Data Reputation engine
● Launching of Data Visualization platform
● Launching of Partner Suite platform
● On-board 50,000 users on Tokoin’s ecosystem

Q1 2020● Launching of dApps on MainNet
● Launching of Tokoin POS system
● Launching of Data Exchange platform for Token stacking and loyalty program
● Expansion of local operations to all capital cities in Indonesia
● On-board 10,000 users in Tokoin’s POS system

Q2 2020● Launching of Tokoin’s POS System
● Expansion of pilot hyper-local operations to Thailand
● On-board 1000 users on Tokoin’s ecosystem in the regional hyper-local market
● Development of AI Solutions for Tokoin to scale up Operations

Q3 2020● Expansion of hyper-local operations to Vietnam and the Philippines
● On-board 500,000 users on Tokoin’s ecosystem in the Indonesian market
● Expansion of local operations to 10 top tier-one cities in Indonesia
● On-board 50,000 users on Tokoin’s ecosystem

Q4 2020● Deployment of AI as part of Business Intelligence Capabilities
● Introduction of Forecast & Prediction platform into Tokoin’s ecosystem

Q1 2021● Integration of AI solutions for Financing and Logistics partners

Q2 2021● Expansion of hyper-local operations to other potential emerging markets
● On-board 10,000 users on Tokoin’s hyper-local ecosystem


This transaction will reach the highway Tokoin ecosystem data distribution. With Tokoin record transactions, involving all the participants to ensure the reliability of the signs and tokens scoring blockchain security ecosystem. Each participant will depend on his / her hero for the benefit of their own needs. Partners access to relevant data, and the development and financing opportunities for downstream users as participants will benefit from the access business. At this stage of the transaction, and a permanent record of the transaction Tokoin information provided. Accuracy is guaranteed for every transaction can be tracked and recorded Bukegaibian. Tokoin as a distributed infrastructure of the stored data. Enter your personal improve MSMEs information users and their data transactions as a post, you can make sure that their credit profile. As an illustration, the user data will be recognized as a valuable asset. pile token service provider partners to obtain data to determine the credibility of their potential customers.

To know the latest information about the Tokoin project you can visit the link below:Website:
Telegram Chat:

my details:
btt name: Spartacus1971
eth address: 0x8bC64811D36d412498AA827E97ec162bb1a145F8

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