Monday 27 February 2023

Moovy: A new application built on drive2earn mechanics


Introducing Moovy

Moovy, the GameFi Move2Earn project that will bring you into an immersive Car Metaverse with groundbreaking advancements in gameplay mechanics, complex avatar system and diversity of NFT assets. We combine the best of both online gaming and social networks that enables users to drive real-world cars, get rewarded in cryptocurrency, and meet new people while doing so. At Moovy, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to earn from doing something they enjoy, such as driving. That's why we offer a variety of gaming events, including tournaments, rallies, and golden rallies, which offer attractive rewards in the form of crypto tokens.

Moovy — not only fun but additional profit

With an in-game car, you move around your city and earn tokens while you are in a traffic jam or take your children to school. The player can get a basic car and basic profit. Or you can level your vehicle up and earn more. Pump the tank capacity, repair your auto, and perform mint to get a rare car! Click here to read about the car rates in Moovy.

Your in-game time is not wasted. You can get the best out of it. Unlike the concept of classic games, games built on blockchain technology help you earn profit and save your efforts. A high-leveled Moovy car can be sold on the internal marketplace BBPlace.


What Modes Are There In Moovy

  • Game Modes
    Moovy offers a diverse range of driving modes to suit every type of driver. Whether you're seeking a high-adrenaline earning experience or a more laid-back, strategic approach, Moovy has it all. Our various driving modes allow you to fully utilize your avatar's abilities and make the most of the Moovy metaverse. So get ready to buckle up and have a blast - Moovy has a lot of exciting experiences waiting for you!

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  • Solo Ride
    In Solo Ride Mode, users have access to NFT cars and can earn MGAS tokens by driving a real car. Gas is needed to start earning MGAS. To begin, users simply choose the car they want to use and press the ride button. If the app detects a weak GPS/internet signal or if the user is not moving organically (for example, if they are using alternative transportation or have strapped their phone to their dog), it will display "Spacerace". In this case, no MGAS will be earned and users may or may not lose gas depending on the circumstances.

The GPS signal strength is indicated by the color of the GPS signal indicator: Red indicates no GPS signal, orange indicates a poor GPS signal, and no light indicates a strong GPS signal. The amount of MGAS earned is calculated based on the above-mentioned factors and paid out for every second of movement. So get ready to hit the road and start earning with Solo Ride Mode in Moovy!

Once you've used up your Moovy Gas, driving in Moovy's Solo Ride mode will come to a halt. You can still switch to Freeride Mode and continue tracking your ride even after MGAS has been depleted. However, if you'd like to end the session manually, just hold down the Stop button for a brief moment and you'll be on your way! Moovy makes sure that it's always easy for users to keep track of their MGAS balance and switch between driving modes according to need. So hop into Moovy today!

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  • Free ride
    Moovy's Freeride mode offers a unique driving experience that is different from its other modes. Instead of earning MGAS or other monetary incentives, this mode allows users to simply enjoy driving their Moovy and collect special loot boxes along the way. While driving in Freeride mode, users will also earn gaming XP that increases their avatar levels, providing an additional incentive to explore and enjoy the metaverse.

Embark on an adventure and discover the exciting surprises hidden in each loot box. Freeride mode provides a chance to simply relax, have fun, and explore the Moovy metaverse without any pressure to earn money. At the same time, users can progress their avatar levels and earn rewards by simply driving and collecting loot boxes. So why wait? Get ready for a thrilling ride and experience Moovy's Freeride mode now!

These boxes contain a variety of rewards such as MGAS, spare parts, and XP. The amount of time required to open a box is indicated by its quality, ranging from 10 seconds to one hour. To open the box, simply wait for the countdown to finish and then spend a small amount of MGAS (known as the Base Cost) to claim your reward. Each garage has 15 storage slots that are used to store all the rewards obtained from opening boxes. Boxes come in 10 different qualities, and the duration of the countdown increases proportionally with the quality of the box. So get ready to hit the road and keep an eye out for those boxes! You never know when luck might strike. Good luck as you explore and enjoy the Moovy metaverse!


Moovy Garage System

In Moovy, we've created a space where players can store their vehicles - garages. These garages can be customized to fit each player's needs and are divided into rarity levels. As players increase their garage's rarity, the number of parking spaces and the Respect value of their cars stored in the garage will also increase. Having multiple cars doesn't come with added costs in Moovy. In fact, owning a larger fleet will result in a gasbonus, starting at 5% for three cars and reaching 20% for fifteen cars. To store and use vehicles, players have access to special in-game garages that are divided by rarity and size levels.

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Moovy Fuel System

Fuel in Moovy is automatically distributed to players in equal amounts 4 times a day, based on the user's Tank Capacity. Fuel is distributed to the garages of each avatar, allowing them to use their vehicles and participate in different modes and activities within the metaverse. The amount of fuel received will depend on the user's garage, which can be increased by leveling up, choosing higher rarity vehicles, and owning multiple cars. The fuel replenishment occurs automatically, 4 times a day, until it reaches the Gas Cap. With each car in the garage, the user's Gas Cap will increase, giving them access to more fuel and longer driving distances. So keep building your fleet and level up your fuel capacity to take full advantage of the Moovy metaverse!

To maximize fuel intake, players can increase their tank volume by leveling up. Higher rarity vehicles generally have a higher fuel capacity, with the standard capacity being increased by 3% for Rare, 6% for Epic, 9% for Legendary, and 12% for Insane tier vehicles. Additionally, owning multiple cars can also provide a bonus to the fuel capacity of each car, reaching a maximum of +20% with 13 or more cars. Gas replenishes 25% every 6 hours and is capped at a certain limit. The maximum gas limit can be increased by owning more cars.

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Moovy Roadmap

Q1 2023
Get ready to be blown away by the next generation of gaming with our latest release.

  • Drive2Earn - Main mechanics for earning $MGAS tokens by driving a car.
  • Car Merge - Users will be able to use their 2 cars to get more cars.
  • Rallies - Special Gaming modes for Group Ridings with specific goals. Includes leaderboard and special benefits for participants
  • BBPlace integration - Moovy Secondary Market is built on BBPlace.
  • BBid integration - simple technology of login system into BBWallet and BBPlace.

Q2 2023
Transform your ride and elevate your status with our latest update! Our groundbreaking graphic editor lets you give your car a unique look that will make heads turn.

  • Car Customization launch
  • Hall of Fame launch

Q3 2023
Revolutionize the way you travel with our brand new rental system! Say goodbye to the hassle and expense of owning a car - with our innovative sharing economy platform, you can easily earn money on the go, all with the convenience of your BBApp.

  • Raid launch
  • BBChat Integration - To achieve dominance in the Raid system, teamwork and communication is key. Utilize BBChat for your advantage by forming powerful guilds with unified goals! Together success awaits.


Moovy Team

  • CEO — Bogatiy Borya
  • COO — Roman Shramko
  • CTO — Maksim Khlestkin
  • HOD — Viktor Pirozhenko
  • Head of IOS Dev — Dmitrii Spichakov
  • IOS Dev — Kirill Drozdov
  • IOS Dev — Egor Vasiliev
  • UX/UI Designer — Olga Panina


Moovy Tokenomics

The game world is built on an internal economy with 2 tokens, $MGAS and $MOIL, which exist on the BNB network.

$MGAS is an unlimited-emission utility token that functions as a user reward. It can be used to cOver some of the COst of minting and leveling up vehicles. $MGAS tokens can also be used as partial payment for opening neW garages and gift boxes.

$MOIL is the prOject's gOvernance token and the main token of the entire BBSoft ecosystem, with a limited emission of 1,000,000,000 tokens. There are several ways to actually use these tokens: to cOver part of the cost of minting and leveling up vehicles, and tO Open containers with cars in. The $MOIL token Is the principal currency in the marketplace


Moovy Social media link:



Bitcointalk username : Spartacus1971
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=2587769
Smart Chain Wallet (BSC) Address: 0xb2c62391cce67c5efc1b17d442ebd24c90f6a47c

Renovi: NFT marketplace connects architects, 3D designers and digital landowners


Introducing RENOVI platform

RENOVI is a leading Metaverse platform working with a multitude of global designers, brands and businesses to help them navigate the Web3.0 space by offering services such as land rental, 3D building and wearable (marketplace) purchasing and leasing, job opportunities, and buildathon development. Renovi started as a marketplace for architects and 3D designers to monetize their designs for the metaverse, but they are now expanding to create Renovi Hub, a platform for brands to rent land and designs from creators all in one place. Renovi Hub will allow brands to quickly and easily establish a presence in the metaverse with just a few clicks.

On the creator side, Renovi will offer a portfolio page where creators can showcase their work and be hired directly from the platform. The goal is to make the process work better for both brands and creators.

Benefits of holding $RNVI:

  • Ability to stake your tokens in two distinct ways: Staking in exchange for additional works to be commissioned
  • Staking in exchange for NFT relative value analysis/price discovery
  • Governance rights — vote on the future of Renovi!
  • Get rebates on your transactions
  • Value increases

and more! Think of $RNVI as the currency you’ll use in the metaverse.


Tokenomics :

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so we won’t go into too much detail about the below other than to say that we’re proud to a significant percentage of token sale proceeds back into the ecosystem as we continue to grow and help businesses, entrepreneurs and creators benefit from the metaverse.


Use of proceeds:


RNVI will be used as follows:

  • renovi nft image RNVI will be listed on various exchanges to provide liquidity
  • renovi nft image Purchase of NFTs
  • renovi nft image Transaction rebates
  • renovi nft image Competition rewards
  • renovi nft image Grants to incentivise production of quality content
  • renovi nft image Governance rights on future direction/updates in the platform, select artists, auctions and drops
  • renovi nft image Token burning/staking
  • renovi nft image Be staked in exchange for NFT relative value analysis/price discovery
  • renovi nft image Be staked in exchange for additional works to be commissioned

Benefits of Polygon blockchain for Renovi:

As perhaps the best-known Ethereum Layer-2 scaling solution, Polygon improves upon Ethereum’s foundation in several ways that are important to us:

  • Speed — finalise transactions in seconds
  • Transaction fees — much lower than ETH
  • Safety, Security & Scale — can theoretically support the millions of transactions that will be taking place in the metaverse in the future
  • Decentralisation — Polygon Network is supporting an entire ecosystem of Decentralised Finance (DeFi) Dapps, and ours is no different
  • Staking — we want holders to be able to earn a return on holding our token and Polygon’s consensus mechanism supports this

Because of these benefits, we felt that Polygon was the chain for us to build upon.


What are the benefits of using Renovi?

In short, everyone benefits from Renovi, but these groups especially can unlock the value of the metaverse by buying and selling virtual assets on the Renovi marketplace in exchange for MATIC tokens:

  • 3D content creators & designers seeking financial and creative independence
  • Modellers & animators
  • Architects
  • Engineers
  • Simulators & video games
  • Brands looking for a way high-quality virtual metaverse experience
  • Virtual land owners

and more! As Renovi moves through its updated roadmap, the value it brings to the ecosystem will become more and more clear to would-be investors.

Renovi boasts a fully-doxxed team, credible advisors, investors & partners, has already received funding and partnered with many successful web2 and web3 brands to run buildathons and other competitions, creating a dedicated and passionate community of creators. Renovi Studios has already become an established business in the Web3 space — developing and building Metaverse and NFT strategies for leading brands in the fashion, entertainment, sports, and hospitality sectors.

Renovi Team




Renovi Partners and Investors


Renovi Roadmap


Renovi Social media link:



Bitcointalk username : Spartacus1971
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=2587769
Smart Chain Wallet (BSC) Address: 0xb2c62391cce67c5efc1b17d442ebd24c90f6a47c

Monday 13 February 2023

Xircus: Web3 Protocol aims to be a consensus for Web3 dApps that can bridge digital and physical assets into NFTs


Xircus Introduction

Xircus (Xircus WEB3.0 Protocol) is the first multi-chain, multi-DEX dSaaS solution that lets anyone create a WEB3.0 solution through an amicable tool, the Xircus SDK. After a long period of blood, sweat but no tears, it was a pretty tough journey (read here), Xircus is set to launch in the next 12 weeks. The “12 weeks launch” strategy is what makes the game exciting and more competitive, follow up.

Xircus is a multi-dimensional portal to the realm of digital assets and & progressive WEB3.0 dApps. It is a robust, creative, and autonomous platform that allows artists, influencers, content creators, collectors, and marketers to construct a customized NFT marketplace. We are ultimately reaching closer to our mission of the creators’ economy. The platform is open to everyone thanks to our decentralized software-as-a-service (dSaaS) approach. It is the easy-to-use, secure, time-effective, and cost-effective method of creating a market for your NFTs.

Xircus Project Highlights:

  • Official Xircus Studio is currently in pending release stage
  • Information regarding the new Xircus 2.0 (XW3) token utility and the token migration has been released click here to read
  • The second stage of the product launch stage has been announced: “Toss Coins” click here to read more
  • After intensifying the collaboration with Draper Startup House we are enhancing the format of the Xircus hackathon, a complete program that will be focused on incubating startups and developers to build, launch and pitch to opinion leaders, investors and enthusiasts through several successive events. This first Xircus Hackathon will commence in January 2023.
  • New PR articles at Yahoo Finance, Business Insider and many more are currently in Pending release stage
  • The flash sale for pre-seed buyers from 2021 has begun, and we are in the final stages of closing this round in order to prepare for the rounds of strategic investor contributions.
  • Sneak peek of the new website is in preparation of users adoption through an intuitive User Interface design Click here to see the sneak peek
  • Product launch stages roadmap go-live on is pending release. Click here to see a sneak peek

xircus unique features

xircus Take full control of the Web3 Space, Built on multiple chains, NFT marketplaces, DeFis and Launchpads that are deployed, owned and governed by YOU

  • Deploy on multiple blockchain protocols
  • Accepts your tokens as app currency
  • Configure with any decentalized exchanges
  • Deploy and manage multiple contracts


xircus Products

Get started in building your NFT Dapps from zero to live marketplaces

  • Asset Dashboard: Manage Your Assets
  • App Explorer: Discover Web3 Apps
  • Xircus Punks: NFT Avatars for DAO
  • Launchpad: Decentralized Token Auctions
  • Providers: Deploy GraphQL and Earn
  • Currencies: List, Deploy or Airdrop Token Currencies
  • Governance: DAO, Voting and Lounge
  • Deployer Studio: Deploy an NFT Marketplace, DeFi or Launchpad
  • Xircus Skins: Buy and Sell Web3 App Skins
  • Stake and Farm: Earn Staking Rewards
  • NFT Aggregator: Aggregates NFTs from all deployed Web3 apps
  • Leaderboard: Rankings For Exposure


What Does the Currency-Agnostic Approach Mean for Xircus?

A (crypto)currency-agnostic platform is simply one where there’s no preference for one currency over the other, and that’s the sort of thing our Protocol has been built to accommodate in mind-blowingly innovative ways. It’s a rarity in the WEB3.0 world, but we’ve made it possible. Xircus WEB3.0 Protocol provides a renewed way of looking at currencies. Any currency in circulation with liquidity on a Decentralized Exchange (DEx) or Centralized Exchange (CEx) can be introduced to our ecosystem.

On our Protocol, we have created a whole section that allows users to add and use various currencies as payment tokens within any WEB3.0 dApp that has and will be deployed on Xircus, but not only that. In order to save you time and prevent you from bad investments, bad actors in the crypto space, the currencies section was also designed to help you find out if a particular token has enough liquidity or not and whether it’s worth your while or not. That’s essentially because it always requires that the currency is either paired with a native token like BNB, Ethereum, or Polygon or a stablecoin like BUSD, DAI, or USDC. So, in effect, the currencies section ensures that a certain payment token listed with Xircus has enough liquidity to be used as a payment currency for any WEB3.0 dApp.


Use Cases for Currencies Within the Xircus Ecosystem

You know how currencies, listed or added, thrive on the Xircus ecosystem already. So it’s only natural that you’re curious about the actual use cases of those currencies. So let’s talk about them then.

The main uses of currencies in our Protocol are utilising and promoting tokens. With the utilisation of tokens, we mean all new dApps, brands, creators, artists, influencers, and so on can finally give their currencies real-world utility and give them a greater chance for adoption. We are essentially supporting dApps, brands and creators to add value to their tokens, and ultimately, bringing down the number of useless tokens to the bare minimum.

On the promotion side of things which is a highly beneficial plus, we have designed our protocol to give users the privilege not only to utilise but also promote their tokens so that they would get more exposure. Utilisation will naturally lead to promotion.

For example, if McDonald’s wants to give out coupons for collectibles or Big Macs, they can mint their own tokens and utilise them on their own dApp. An artist who wants to use their coins for Tiered Level Access can set up specific requirements for different parts on their platform or meme coins like $SHIB that can suddenly be spent anywhere. That’s absolutely mind-blowing, isn’t it? We know you’d like to see how currencies can be added on our Protocol, so we’ve created a video demo just for you.

How to Earn from xircus platform

Earn from multiple passive opportunities

  • As DAO: Get early access on products, vip lounge, newsletters, early opportunities, discounts, and membership rewards

  • As Creator: List your NFTs as little as $1 for listing/storage fee and 2.5% transaction fee for every purchase

  • As Collector: Collect from different marketplaces and manage collectibles via Xircus Mobile and Xircus TV apps

  • As Web3 App Owner: Deploy your NFT marketplace, customize your fees and themes, create staking opportunities for your customers

  • As Graph Provider: Earn from deploying APIs to cached data for marketplaces

  • As Ambassador: Earn from helping creators list their creation


Development progress:


  • Updated Market Deployer Contract
  • Marketplace Contract EIP20 Deployment
  • GraphQL Syncing Marketplace Contract Metadata to MongoDB
  • Custom Domain Configuration
  • Custom Category Creation
  • Updated GraphQL for App Info


  • Currency Whitelisting for Marketplace Contract
  • Changed Basis Points for Listing Fee
  • Custom Reward Token Configuration
  • Updated Reward Token Supply and Snapshot


  • Physical Marketplace Skin
  • Adult Marketplace Skin
  • Listing Function
  • Buy Function
  • Listing User Interface for Marketplaces
  • Buy User Interface for Marketplaces

Xircus Next Steps:

  • Information about the tokenomics of the XW3 token will be released
  • Xircus Hackathon new enhanced format will be presented
  • Kickoff the onboarding campaign and list token currencies as payment tokens within any Web3 dApp that will be deployed on Xircus
  • Kickoff seed round strategic partners
  • Xircus XW3 token Whitelisting campaign
  • Expanding team of social media managers and community managers


  • Falco Pangkey

  • Michael Molina

  • Erik de Groot

  • Ian Scarffe
    Advisor (UK)

  • Bruce Porter
    Advisor (US)

  • David Porter
    Advisor (US)

  • Juan Ochoa
    Advisor (Latin America)


In Conclusion

The Xircus Web3 Protocol is a promising solution in the DeFi space, offering a user-friendly interface, a high degree of security, and tools and services for developers. Whether you are a developer looking to build and deploy your own dApp or a user looking to participate in the DeFi ecosystem, Xircus has everything you need to get started. As the DeFi space continues to grow and evolve, Xircus is poised to play a key role in shaping its future. Do follow the official links below for much more into the idea and solution of Xircus Protocol.

Stay tuned by following xircus:



Bitcointalk username : Spartacus1971
Bitcointalk Profile:;u=2587769
Smart Chain Wallet (BSC) Address: 0xb2c62391cce67c5efc1b17d442ebd24c90f6a47c

Brainedge: Choose a course, learn a skill and get rewarded with $LEARN

  Brainedge Presentation Brainedge is a pioneering e-learning platform that offers courses in over 100 languages, made accessible through AI...