Tuesday 20 December 2022

EstateX: Invest in Real Estate and Earn a Passive Income


About EstateX:

EstateX is a vision that was born and is here to stay. The core team aspires to disrupt the real estate market and bring transformation to the future of investment and property ownership. The core team aims to break down barriers to make real estate investing easy, inexpensive and accessible to participants interested in being able to achieve the benefits of investing in real estate. With the extraordinary EstateX concept, private individuals will be able to start building a passive income generating property portfolio with an investment as low as $100. The Estatex Ecosystem will be backed by its native token called the ESX Token and the Blockchain based EstateX Ecosystem will certify fractional ownership of properties which can be easily bought, sold or traded; lower barriers to entry and also supply liquidity. Decentralized Finance knowledge, tools and solutions to benefit from real estate investment opportunities that previously only benefited high net worth Institutional and individual investors.

Problems in the Real Estate Industry:

First Problem: High Barriers to Entry:

This is the most challenging problem in the Real Estate industry because a lot of capital is required to enter as an investor. Risk is also involved as with any other business but here if a proper feasibility study is not made, land topography can create problems and rising inflation rates can make it difficult to profit. Phenomenal creditworthiness is also required to make any investment successful.

Second Problem: Spending Time and Money:

Building a plantation is very time consuming and involves a lot of capital. Many resources need to be hired and Labor needs to be hired. All of this can cost money in the long run. So this is putting off a lot of potential investors who could benefit from this field.

Third Problem: Low Liquidity;

Often, selling properties that have already been built takes time, thereby tying up funds temporarily. Traditional lending is time consuming and also inflexible which makes the whole process look sluggish.

Fourth Problem: Poor Financial Literacy:

Many investors lack financial education and allocate resources inappropriately when projects are being developed. Financial management is the key to the success of any real estate project. Second, many investors don't know how to invest in the real estate industry and lose money using a trial and error approach. All of these make for success in this genre.

Fifth Problem: Rising Global Inflation:

Property prices and even the materials used to build them are increasing at an alarming rate due to global inflation. Currently the United States, Great Britain and other world powers are experiencing inflation, causing the devaluation of FIAT currencies. This makes it difficult for potential investors to enter this capital-intensive field even without inflation.

EstateX solution:

The core team at EstateX are about to introduce some nifty approaches to address this issue. These solutions are solutions born from the consideration and prudence of the real estate industry. This solution is a direct solution to the problems mentioned above in a proportional order.

First Solution: Breaking Down Barriers:

As a solution to the high entry price that limits many investors from entering the genre. The Estatex core team has introduced fragmented property ownership rewards on the Blockchain network. With this, the costs of building plantations will be shared and every transaction will be published on the Blockchain network which is a public ledger that promotes transparency.

Second Solution: Instant Liquidity:

The core team has made it possible to trade around the clock on the secondary market. Raising direct finances from asset-backed tokens is also possible; making finding sources of funds an easy ordeal. At a later date, payments will be made from the real estate investment.

Third Solution: Hassle Free Property Management:

EstateX investors have a penchant for expediting transactions, Management and Maintenance. The need to involve the corporation to carry out the stated actions is unnecessary. EstateX investors drive investments.

Fourth Solution: Financial Empowerment:

EstateX's core team aims to empower their community with the financial education resources and knowledge, tools, and assistance needed to secure their financial freedom.

Fifth Solution: Inflation Hedging:

Property ownership helps investors secure a hedge against inflation. Because the prices of goods, services and commodities tend to increase, physical real estate assets also tend to increase in value over time. This provides the economy with a shock absorber against inflation.


How Does EstateX Work?

Our process is simple and straightforward. First, you create an account on our website and deposit funds into your account via bank transfer or credit card. Then, you select which properties you would like to invest in and how much you would like to invest (€100 minimum). Once your investment is processed, you will start earning regular dividends from your invested properties as they generate revenue over time. You can also use our platform to monitor the performance of your investments and track how well they are doing compared to other similar investments.

What Are The Benefits?

The benefits of using EstateX are numerous. By having access to fractionalized ownership of real world property investments, anyone can now reap the rewards associated with investing in real estate without having large amounts of capital upfront. Our platform also offers users greater transparency than traditional investment platforms, allowing them to easily track their investments and see exactly where their money is going. Plus, because our platform runs on blockchain technology, there’s no need for intermediaries or middlemen—ensuring faster transaction times and lower costs for everyone involved.

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  • Token name: EstateX ($ESX)
  • Blockchain: BSC
  • Token Type: Payments/Utilities
  • Maximum Token Supply: 6,300,000,000
  • Initial Market Cap: $467,588
  • Initial Circulating Supply: 158,504,573




The core team:



Investing in real estate has never been easier thanks to EstateX! With us, anyone can build their own property portfolio with just €100 or more and start earning a regular passive income from their investment over time. Our revolutionary platform leverages blockchain technology so users have greater transparency into where their money is going and faster transaction times at lower costs than traditional investment platforms offer. Join us today and help us break down barriers that have previously stood in the way of investing in real estate!

More information

Official website: https://estatex.eu/
Telegram group: https://t.me/estatexofficial
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4_8wX5yrPYR3lnZVVjPjFQ
Twitter: https://twitter.com/estatexeu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EstateXeu
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/EstateXeu
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/estatex-eu/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/estatexeu/


Bitcointalk username : Spartacus1971
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2587769
Smart Chain Wallet (BSC) Address: 0xb2c62391cce67c5efc1b17d442ebd24c90f6a47c

Sunday 4 December 2022

LEND: DeFi multi-chain lending platform


Introduction of $LEND

LEND is the future of DeFi. LEND, is our DeFi multi-chain lending platform, designed from the ground up with the intention of creating a fully inclusive decentralized financial ecosystem with zero barriers to entry. With LEND, our users will be able to know they are safely maximizing the earning potential of their crypto assets and savings. Users can interact with the protocol in a few ways; Deposit crypto assets to earn competitively high interest, similar to a traditional savings account. Or use their crypto assets as collateral to borrow tokens.

$LEND will connect crypto and fiat lenders, borrowers and co-lenders in an open, efficient and decentralized network. $LEND will offer blockchain-based identity and credit score to the crypto community. The Lend project aims to create a protocol for decentralized lending with collateralized loans. It will provide an open-source lending engine that enables trustless lending by maintaining a fully collateralized loan pool.

Key Features of LEND:

  • Lending — Supply assets to the protocol to earn interest
  • Borrowing — Supply assets as collateral to borrow crypto
  • Governance — Vote on important future protocol decisions
  • Earning — Earn 25% of all platform revenue with $LEND tokens
  • MultiChain — Launching on BNB Chain, Eth & Polygon with framework complete for many other chains. Each chain means an additional stream of revenue to be earned by $LEND token stakers.


How does LEND work:

LEND works by establishing Lending pools out of deposited crypto assets. These Lending pools are the collective tokens of all users who wish to deposit assets and are used to facilitate borrow requests from other LEND users. The Lending pools are algorithmically derived and have a floating variable, but competitive interest rate model, based on the current supply and demand of each respective asset. If supply outweighs demand, it will have lower rates for borrowers and lenders.

The $LEND Tokens are a decentralized cryptocurrency. The $LEND Tokens can be used for trading, lending, paying for goods and services, and much, much more. The $LEND Platform is an easy-to-use lending platform built on the Bsc network. The $LEND Platform provides a decentralized lending process that is fair, fast and transparent. Lenders can make money lending their $LEND Tokens to borrowers who pay them back with an interest rate.

Why do you need LEND

$LEND tokens will be the native token for the LEND protocol. Within the token structure, the token will give holders governance and voting rights in important decisions for shaping the future of the platform. It doesn’t end there though…

$LEND tokens are also the key to earning passive income from the protocol. Once the token has launched, holders can supply $LEND to the protocol in exchange for $tLEND which actually makes them eligible to claim 25% of the total revenue generated by the protocol! 25% more than any current existing protocol! Can Venus do that?

$tLEND tokens can also be staked or locked by users to earn additional Platform Reward Fees based on a 90-day vesting schedule. Locking tokens for the full 90-day term means an increased share of protocol revenue will be received.


Is LEND safe?

The sustainability, safety and overall longevity of the LEND protocol is something we’ve kept in mind since day one. We aren’t aiming for overnight success, we’ve been building this ecosystem for over a year and aim to stick around for many more.

With LEND we really wanted to ensure protocol safety from any adverse events. To protect our users and ourselves we have adopted a risk mitigated approach to all aspects of the platform.

LEND Safety Features:

  • Security Audit — Industry leading experts at Peckshield have reviewed and approved LEND smart contracts multiple times.
  • Collateral Requirement — All borrowers required to be overcollateralized for optimal liquidity within protocol. This means users have to provide more collateral than they are able to borrow.
  • Only Liquid Assets — LEND will only ever support the most liquid assets on the market. This has been done to avoid protocol manipulation that might result in total systemic failure. (Like Mango)
  • Automated Liquidations— Unhealthy borrower accounts that go into negative equity will be liquidated by the protocol to remove bad debt.

For lenders, these features means you can provide assets and earn interest without the need to be exposed to much counter-party risk.

For Borrowers, that means you’re much less likely to end up with negative equity and be subject to liquidation.

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  • TOTAL SUPPLY: 1,000,000,000
  • INITIAL SUPPLY: 14,250,000





Users can use LENDto lend any supported assets in our marketsfor others to borrow and earn interest,and also use the provided capital ascollateralto borrow another supported asset.This opens up the possibility of lendingand borrowing crypto assets fromanywhere in the world. In this blog post, we explained how LEND worksand what you can do with it. If you're interested in using this protocol, be sureto check out their website for more information. Thanks for reading!

For More Information:

Website: https://www.lend.finance/
Whitepaper: http://lend.gitbook.io/
Telegram: http://t.me/lendfinance
Twitter: http://twitter.com/lend_finance
Github: https://github.com/tenfinance
Medium: https://medium.com/lendfinance


Bitcointalk username : Spartacus1971
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2587769
Smart Chain Wallet (BSC) Address: 0xb2c62391cce67c5efc1b17d442ebd24c90f6a47c

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